Agreeing client requirements and preferences, assessing user needs and options, appointment of necessary consultants in establishing project brief, objectives, priorities, constraints, assumptions, and strategies in consultation with the client.
Once appointed L & M Consulting will commence with a kick off meeting whereby the scope of the project will be thoroughly discussed and detailed.
A project charter will be developed in order to align all the needs of the business in order to steer the project towards the required outcome. This involves input from business with the various departments meeting with the designer in order to ascertain the required information. Once these meeting are completed the project scope will be defined and aligned with the project charter and the designer will begin with space planning.
Finalization of the project concept and feasibility.
The project will be defined in terms of space planning and a high level budget will be drawn up to assist in the design development phase. After attaining final approval on the high level budget and the space plan the project will progress to the next phase.
Manage, co-ordinate and integrate the detail design development process within the project scope, time, cost, and quality parameters.
With an approved initial budget and space plan, the designer will present various look and feel options to the client in stages and will update the design in accordance with feedback received from the client
The process of establishing and implementing procurement strategies and procedures, including the preparation of necessary documentation, for effective and timeous execution of the project.
Brink Management will take all the approved designs by the client and draw up a Bill of Quantities and issue for tender. After the tenders are received the contractors and suppliers will go through an adjudication process with the client. Once all
the scope has been appointed the relevant contractors and suppliers will enter into a contract to perform and deliver their relevant scop
The management and administration of the construction contracts and processes, including the preparation and co-ordination of the necessary documentation to facilitate effective execution of the works.
After appointing the contractors, the project will commence on site. Brink Management will stay fully involved with the process ensuring that the contractor is undertaking the works to the expected standard and as such meeting building standards.
Reports will be issued tracking the progress of the contractor with the project manager ensuring that all risks are documented and mitigated throughout the construction phase
The process of managing and administering the project closeout, including preparation and co-ordination of the necessary documentation to facilitate the effective operation of the project.
At handover of the site back to the client, the designer will prepare a snag list in order to capture any defects present from the contractor.
All handover documentation will be captured and issued to the client
073 277 5836
Corner Morkels Close & Le Roux Office Suite B017 Allendale Park, Midrand South Africa
K9 Road, Kigali City, Kicukiro District, Garenga Sector, Rwanda
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